Can health insurance deny a claim due to alcohol use?

While not a common practice, instances of being denied coverage due to the presence of any alcohol in your body do happen.

“Insurance claim denials for alcohol use are based on the 1947 National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) model law, which only says that insurance companies should be allowed to deny claims for patients if they are injured ‘while under the influence’ of alcohol,” says Dr. Larry Gentilello, former professor of surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.. “So no specific amount is required for insurance companies to deny a claim on this basis.”

If you wind up in the hospital after you have been drinking, you won’t necessarily have your blood or urine tested for alcohol.

Medical providers play a crucial role in this process, as their classification of a claim as alcohol-related can significantly impact the outcome under specific state laws.

“Insurance claim denials on the basis of alcohol use are not very common, mostly because when one insurance claim has been denied, the word spreads quickly throughout the culture of a hospital and the staff stops testing for alcohol,” says Gentilello. “If patients are not being tested, the insurance company usually has no way of knowing whether they have had any alcohol.”

How do health insurance companies know if you've been drinking?

There's no set method of finding out if someone's been drinking. A test isn't required.

"In one case in North Carolina, a teenager crashed his bike into a tree and broke his neck," says Gentilello. "The hospital didn't test for alcohol use in that case, but the police report contained one sentence that said a bystander 'thought she smelled alcohol' on the teenager. Based on that one sentence, the insurance company refused to pay any of the medical bills, and a court upheld that decision."

Any state can choose to either authorize or prohibit insurance exclusions for alcohol use, from one drink to actual intoxication, says Gentilello.

"Typically, if they are going to deny a claim, it is for any alcohol being present. There is no data that shows any particular focus on legal limits. Hospitals don't generally research a patient's blood alcohol level. They just note its presence or not," says Gentilello. 

Which states have alcohol exclusion laws?

As of January 2022, 23 states had laws permitting denial of insurance claims if alcohol is present in your system, while 17 states explicitly prohibit those denials, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).

Alcohol exclusion laws came into being after the NAIC recommended them to "avoid the use of insurance to protect against the risk of unlawful conduct." This was outlined in the 1950 Uniform Individual Accident and Sickness Policy Provision Law (UPPL).

In 2001, the NAIC changed its recommendation and encouraged states and insurance companies to change their policies and provide coverage for patients regardless of alcohol use. Many states repealed or amended their laws as a result.

Some states have repealed alcohol exclusion laws, while others have prohibited insurance companies from denying claims due to alcohol. Here are the alcohol exclusion laws by state as of January 2021, according to the NIAAA.

Alcohol exclusion laws by state
StateAlcohol Exclusion Law
CaliforniaNo, prohibited
ColoradoNo, prohibited
ConnecticutNo, prohibited
District of ColumbiaNo, prohibited
IllinoisNo, prohibited
IndianaNo, prohibited
IowaNo, prohibited
MarylandNo, prohibited
MassachusettsNo law
MichiganNo law
MinnesotaNo law
MontanaNo law
NevadaNo, prohibited
New HampshireNo law
New JerseyPermitted except for group health insurance
New MexicoNo law
New YorkYes
North CarolinaNo, prohibited
North DakotaNo, prohibited
OhioNo, prohibited
OklahomaNo law
OregonNo law
Rhode IslandNo, prohibited
South CarolinaYes
South DakotaNo, prohibited
TennesseeNo law
TexasNo law
UtahNo law
VermontNo law
WashingtonNo, prohibited
West VirginiaYes
WisconsinNo, prohibited

How do health insurance companies view alcohol exclusions?

Insurance companies follow their own policies as well as state regulations when determining an individual claim. Read your insurance policy or check your state regulations to find out how your claim will be treated if you have a medical emergency after drinking.

Some health insurance companies are explicit about their policy on alcohol use. For example, some group health insurance policies offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) state: "Your medical treatment will not be covered if you are injured or become ill while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (other than those prescribed by a physician)."

Many other insurance companies, however, do not exclude claims because of alcohol use.

"Cigna doesn't have a coverage policy regarding individuals who seek treatment at an emergency room while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. We wouldn't deny a claim in those circumstances," says Mark Slitt, a spokesperson for Cigna, a major health insurance provider.

Susan Pisano, vice president for communications for America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a trade organization for health insurance companies, says that AHIP does not have data on how its members handle alcohol and drug-related claims.

However, "there's no reason to believe insurance companies are acting on alcohol exclusion laws in the states where they have them. We have no reason to believe it's common to deny coverage on this basis,” Pisano says.

According to the NIAAA, insurers may exclude coverage through insurance provisions that do not specifically address alcohol intoxication or alcoholism. For example, "an insurance contract might exclude coverage for injuries caused by the insured's own negligence or reckless behavior without specifying alcohol intoxication as a form of negligence or recklessness.”

Gentilello says most insurers vet larger hospital bills more closely than less costly ones.

"Insurance companies typically don't question a small hospital bill, but when there's a major bill the case will get more scrutiny," Gentilello says. "Doctors don't know whether ER patients have insurance or what kind of insurance they have, so they tend not to take the risk of testing for alcohol in states where the insurance companies can deny a claim based on the presence of alcohol."

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Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
People who lose their employer-sponsored health insurance may qualify for a COBRA plan. COBRA lets you keep your former employer's health plan, but you're responsible for paying all of the costs, including your former employer's portion.
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People who are 65 and over qualify for Medicare. You can choose Original Medicare (also called Parts A and B), which is offered by the federal government, or Medicare Advantage (also called Part C), which private insurers provide. The average annual premium for Original Medicare is about $1,600. Medicare Advantage's average yearly premium is $336, but you may have higher out-of-pocket costs than Original Medicare.
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Low-income Americans qualify for Medicaid. Thirty-eight states expanded Medicaid eligibility, so lower-middle-class Americans may also be eligible in those states. Medicaid offers comprehensive benefits, but at little to no cost depending on your income. Each state has its own eligibility. Some states are flexible with Medicaid eligibility for people who are pregnant, a parent or disabled. If your household income is below 138% of the federal poverty level, you're likely eligible for Medicaid if you live in a Medicaid expansion state. That level is $17,609 for an individual, $23,791 for a family of two, $29,974 for a family of three and $36,156 for a family of four. Non-Medicare expansion states have stricter income guidelines. Check with your state's Medicaid program to see if you qualify.
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Parent's employer-based health insurance

The Affordable Care Act lets children stay on a parent's health plan until the age of 26. Having a child on a parent's health plan may or may not increase premiums. It depends on whether you already have family coverage when adding the child to the plan. If a parent already has family coverage, adding a child won't likely increase premiums. However, going from single or couple to family coverage could cause premiums to skyrocket. The average single coverage employer-sponsored plan premium is $1,186. The average family plan is $5,447.
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Spouse's employer-based health insurance

Most employers allow employees to add spouses to their health insurance. Going from single health coverage to a family plan may triple or quadruple your premiums. The average single coverage employer-sponsored plan premium is $1,186. The average family plan is $5,447. Not all jobs allow for spouse's coverage, so you'll want to check with your employer to make sure it's an option.
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  • PPO
  • HMO
  • HDHP
  • EPO
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Employer-based health insurance

Most people with private health insurance get their coverage through a job. employer-sponsored health insurance is usually cheaper than individual health insurance unless you qualify for Affordable Care Act subsidies. Job-based plans are generally less expensive because businesses often pick up more than half of employer-sponsored health insurance premiums. Kaiser Family Foundation estimates the average premiums for a single coverage employer-sponsored health plan is $1,186 and the average family plan is $5,447 annually.
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Click to each one of find out more
  • PPO
  • HMO
  • HDHP
  • EPO
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Employer plans are often one of these types of four plans. Click on each one to find out more.
  • PPO
  • HMO
  • HDHP
  • EPO

Preferred-provider Organization (PPOs)

  • Pay higher premiums with a lower deductible
  • You have access to more providers, but pay much more for health insurance
  • You don't want to choose a primary care physician
  • You don't want to get a referral
  • You want the ability to get out-of-network care
Preferred-provider organization (PPOs) plans are the most common type of employer-based health plan. PPOs have higher premiums than HMOs and HDHPs, but those added costs offer you flexibility. A PPO allows you to get care anywhere and without primary care provider referrals. You may have to pay more to get out-of-network care, but a PPO will pick up a portion of the costs.
Find out more about the differences between plans

Health maintenance organization (HMO)

  • Pay higher premiums with a lower deductible
  • Restricted network of providers with lower premiums
  • You want to choose a primary care physician
  • You don't mind getting a referral
  • You don't care about the ability to get out-of-network care
Health maintenance organization (HMO) plans have lower premiums than PPOs. However, HMOs have more restrictions. HMOs don't allow you to get care outside of your provider network. If you get out-of-network care, you'll likely have to pay for all of it. HMOs also require you to get primary care provider referrals to see specialists.
Find out more about the differences between plans

High-deductible health plans (HDHPs)

  • Pay lower premiums with a higher deductible
High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) have become more common as employers look to reduce their health costs. HDHPs have lower premiums than PPOs and HMOs, but much higher deductibles. A deductible is what you have to pay for health care services before your health plan chips in money. Once you reach your deductible, the health plan pays a portion and you pay your share, which is called coinsurance.
Find out more about the differences between plans

Exclusive provider organization (EPO)

  • Restricted network of providers with lower premiums
  • You don't want to choose a primary care physician
  • You don't want to get a referral
  • You don't care about the ability to get out-of-network care
Exclusive provider organization (EPO) plans offer the flexibility of a PPO with the restricted network found in an HMO. EPOs don't require that members get a referral to see a specialist. In that way, it's similar to a PPO. However, an EPO requires in-network care, which is like an HMO.
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Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act created insurance exchanges that allow people to compare plans. The health law also requires insurers to accept everyone and not charge them exorbitant rates. People who make below 400% of the federal poverty level qualify for subsidies to help pay for an ACA plan.
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Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act created insurance exchanges that allow people to compare plans. The health law also requires insurers to accept everyone and not charge them exorbitant rates. People who make below 400% of the federal poverty level qualify for subsidies to help pay for an ACA plan.
Know more individual insurance / ACA
People who would prefer to pay lower premiums with a higher deductible may want the below plans
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silver shield

Silver is the second most popular plan in the ACA exchanges, with 35% of people with a Silver plan. Silver has lower premiums than any plan except for Bronze. However, it has lower out-of-pocket costs than Bronze. Silver plans pick up 70% of the costs, while members pay 30% The average single coverage in a Silver plan is $481 monthly and $1,179 for a family plan.

Bronze is the most popular type of plan in the ACA exchanges, with 41% of members with a Bronze plan. These plans have the lowest premiums, but also the highest out-of-pocket costs in the exchanges. Bronze plans pick up 60% of the costs, while members pay 40%. The average single coverage monthly cost in a Bronze plan is $440 and $1,080 for a family plan.

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Individual insurance/Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act created insurance exchanges that allow people to compare plans. The health law also requires insurers to accept everyone and not charge them exorbitant rates. People who make below 400% of the federal poverty level qualify for subsidies to help pay for an ACA plan.
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People who would prefer to pay higher premiums with a lower deductible may want the below plans
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platinum shield

Platinum plans have the highest premiums but the lowest out-of-pocket costs. So, you pay more for the coverage initially but less than other plans when you need health care services. Platinum plans pick up 90% of the costs, while members pay 10%, Not many health insurers offer Platinum plans. Only 2% of members in ACA plans have a Platinum plan, so you may have trouble finding one. The average monthly premiums for single coverage in a Platinum plan is $706 and the average family coverage costs $1,460.

Gold plans have lower premiums than Platinum, but higher premiums than Silver and Bronze. Gold also has lower out-of-pocket costs than Silver and Bronze, but higher than Platinum. Gold plans pick up 80% of the costs, while members pay 20%. The average monthly premium for a single Gold plan is $596. Family coverage averages $1,426 per month.

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What can you do to prevent a denied claim?

To protect yourself, review your insurance policy's exclusions and check your state's insurance regulations on alcohol use at the NIAAA website.

If you are denied coverage for a hospital bill or doctor's bill, you will be given a reason for the denial. If the claim is denied because of alcohol use or recklessness, review your state regulations and possibly appeal the denial.

"You can always appeal to your insurance company about any denial of a claim," says Pisano. "Insurance companies are required to provide you with information about the appeal process."

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