Best condo insurance companies in Florida

Travelers is the best condo insurance company in Florida, followed by Nationwide and Security First. Travelers is also the place to get cheap condo insurance in Florida. Its average annual rate of $363 helped it land the top spot.

Our ranking for the best HO-6 insurance in Florida considered average annual rates as well as ratings from AM Best for financial stability and complaints data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Take a look at how major insurance companies in Florida stack up below.

CompanyAnnual premiumAM Best rating
Security First Insurance$500A0.88
State Farm$1,009A++0.95
Universal Insurance Holding$1,002A2.01
HCI Group Inc$1,469A0.65
Citizens Property Insurance$2,372A0.25
FedNat Holding$1,698A4.92
Data updated in 2024
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How we chose the best condo insurance providers in Florida

To rank the best condo insurance companies in Florida, we started with average rates. Rates were provided by Quadrant Information Services and based on a policy with $60,000 in personal property coverage, $300,000 in liability coverage and a $1,000 deductible.

We then considered each company's AM Best financial strength rating to ensure financial stability, and the NAIC's complaint index, which measures the number of complaints a company receives against the expected complaint volume for a company of that size.

Average cost of condo insurance in Florida

The average cost of condo insurance in Florida is $962 a year or $80 a month with a $1,000 deductible, $60,000 in personal property coverage, and liability coverage of $300,000. Your average annual premium will vary depending on your location, the coverage limits you select, and the deductible amount, among other factors.

To find the most affordable policy for your situation, compare quotes from multiple providers based on the coverage you need.

Average annual premium$962
Average monthly premium$80
Data updated in 2024
Read our methodology

Condo insurance calculator

Average condo insurance rates in Florida
Please enter valid zip code
$40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000
$100,000 $300,000

Most & least expensive ZIP codes for condo insurance in Florida

ZIP codeCityHighest rate
33054Miami Gardens$1,579
ZIP codeCityLowest rate
32095St. Augustine$505
32086St. Augustine$513
32259Fruit Cove$513
Data updated in 2024
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Condo insurance rates by company in Florida

Rates for condo insurance by company in Florida vary. It’s important to shop around and compare quotes to find the best price. 

In the table below, you’ll see condo insurance rates for major companies in Florida. The cheapest company for condo insurance in Florida is Travelers. Security First Insurance and Nationwide are the second and third cheapest options.

CompanyAverage annual rateAverage monthly rate
Security First Insurance$500$42
Heritage Insurance Holdings$632$53
Amer Integrity Ins Co of FL$761$63
Universal Insurance Holding$1,002$84
State Farm$1,009$84
HCI Group Inc$1,469$122
FedNat Holding$1,698$142
Citizens Property Insurance$2,372$198
Data updated in 2024
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Condo insurance rates in Florida by coverage level

Based on a rate study by, Travelers provides the lowest condo insurance rates in Florida based on our standard coverage sample of $60,000 for personal property coverage, $300,000 for liability coverage and a $1,000 deductible.

Security First Insurance is the next cheapest option, offering low-cost condo insurance in Florida at $500 per year. However, rates vary by coverage level.

The table below shows condo insurance rates from several top companies at various coverage levels.

Company$40,000 contents/$100,000 liability$40,000 contents/$300,000 liability$60,000 contents/$100,000 liability$60,000 contents/$300,000 liability$80,000 contents/$100,000 liability$80,000 contents/$300,000 liability$100,000 contents/$100,000 liability$100,000 contents/$300,000 liability
Security First Insurance$324$351$473$500$621$648$770$797
Heritage Insurance Holdings$442$457$611$632$780$807$953$987
Amer Integrity Ins Co of FL$615$632$744$761$873$890$1,001$1,018
Universal Insurance Holding$799$817$984$1,002$1,170$1,188$1,356$1,374
State Farm$817$837$989$1,009$1,128$1,148$1,260$1,280
HCI Group Inc$1,192$1,210$1,451$1,469$1,710$1,728$1,974$1,992
FedNat Holding$1,371$1,389$1,680$1,698$1,989$2,007$2,305$2,323
Citizens Property Insurance$1,938$1,938$2,372$2,372$2,806$2,806$3,250$3,250
Data updated in 2024
Read our methodology

People ask

What company offers the cheapest condo insurance in Florida

Travelers has the cheapest condo insurance in Florida on average at $363 a year for a policy with $60,000 in personal property coverage and $300,000 in liability coverage and a $1,000 deductible.

Compare condo insurance rates by city in Florida

Condo insurance rates vary significantly across cities, influenced by various factors, including weather patterns, crime rates, and property values. You must consider these factors and compare quotes from different insurers to get the best deal on condo insurance for your specific city in Florida.

CityAnnual insurance premium
Cape Coral
Fort Lauderdale
Port St. Lucie
St. Petersburg
West Palm Beach
Data updated in 2024
Read our methodology compared condo insurance rates provided by Quadrant Data Solutions in 2023 for $60,000 of personal property coverage with a $1,000 deductible and $300,000 of liability coverage for all available ZIP codes and with a good credit score. The content was updated in 2024.

Frequently asked questions: Florida condo insurance

What companies write condo insurance in Florida?

Companies offering condo insurance in Florida include Travelers, Nationwide, State Farm and Allstate, along with many regional companies like Security First.

What insurance do I need for a condo in Florida?

In addition to an HO-6 condo policy, you should consider flood insurance if you live near the coast or another source of flood waters. Standard Florida condo policies do not cover flooding. In some areas, you may also need separate hurricane or windstorm coverage.

Is an HO-6 mandatory in Florida?

No. There are no laws requiring you to carry condominium insurance in Florida. However, you might need to comply with your lender or Florida condo association insurance requirements.

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