Average cost of condo insurance in Silver Springs

The average cost of condo insurance (HO-6) in Silver Springs is $503 per year, which is $42 per month, for a coverage level of $40,000 for personal property and liability protection of $100,000 with a $1,000 deductible.

However, insurance rates vary depending on your location in the city, the company and the coverage limits. The highest average rate for condo insurance in Silver Springs is $770, $495 more than the lowest average rate of $275.

Average annual cost$503
Average per month cost$42
Highest average rate$770
Lowest average rate$275
Data updated in 2024
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Cheapest condo insurance in Silver Springs

The cheapest condo insurance company in Silver Springs is Country Financial at an average annual rate of $326. The second-cheapest option is Allstate with an average yearly rate of $371.

Of course, these rates are averages, so it's important to shop around and compare rates for your needs.

CompanyAverage annual premiumAverage monthly premium
Country Financial$326$27
State Farm$519$43
CSAA Insurance (AAA)$545$45
American Family$719$60
Data updated in 2024
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Condo insurance cost in Silver Springs compared with the state average

Condo insurance costs an average of $503 per year in Silver Springs. That's $16 less expensive than the state average of $519.

City average cost$503
State average cost$519
Data updated in 2024
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Condo insurance cost in Silver Springs by coverage level

Many factors affect the cost of your HO-6 insurance. One is the area you live in, and another important factor is how much personal property coverage you choose. Generally, the higher your coverage limit, the more expensive your condo insurance will be.

For instance, the average annual rate for personal property coverage of $40,000 is $503 or $42 per month.

Condo insurance rates in Silver Springs with $100,000 liability

The following table shows the cost of condo insurance for four coverage levels with a liability limit of $100,000 and $1,000 deductible.

CoverageAverage annual rateAverage per month rate
Data updated in 2024
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Condo insurance cost in Silver Springs with $300,000 liability

The following table shows the cost of condo insurance for four coverage levels with a liability limit of $300,000 and $1,000 deductible.

CoverageAverage annual rateAverage per month rate
Data updated in 2024
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Insurance.com compared condo insurance rates provided by Quadrant Information Services from 2023 for around 29,000 cities in all states and Washington D.C for multiple coverage levels. The content has been updated for 2024.