How much is car insurance for farmers?

On average, car insurance for farmers is 12% less than the national average. This is for multiple reasons, the biggest of which is that farmers are considered low-risk to insure. Many farmers live where they work, reducing time on the road, and often drive on farmland with little traffic.

"At the end of the day, [insurance companies are] looking at a certain set of data and saying ‘if we write insurance for a certain group of people, how often and what amount are we paying out for claims’," says Josiah Hatch, owner of Bender Hatch Insurance in Boston, Mass.

The table below shows car insurance rates for farmers from some of the country’s biggest insurance companies compared to the national average for the same policy.

CompanyAverage base rateAverage rate for farmersPrices difference ($)Price difference (%)
Grange Mutual$1,154$1,046$1089.36%
Mercury Insurance$2,276$2,212$642.81%
Data updated in 2024
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Different plans and adding any endorsements to your plan will affect the final rate you pay. Grange Mutual has the lowest overall rates across the country based on’s 2022 analysis of top companies for full coverage.

However, Progressive has the best car insurance rates for farmers at over 14% below the average base rate.

Specific discount car insurance for farmers

Nationwide and State Auto both offer special types of car insurance just for farmers.

Nationwide’s farm auto coverage allows you to insure commercial trucks and other vehicles along with your personal automobiles. This lets you pay for everything on one bill and takes away the stress of having to balance multiple plans from multiple companies.

State Auto’s coverage is even more tailored to farmers. They offer annual discounts based on mileage for your lesser-used vehicles through their Ag Smart 360 program. Beyond just insuring trucks and other heavy equipment, State Auto will also insure things like livestock trailers and horse trailers that double as living quarters.

How can I get the best car insurance for farmers?

The cheapest car insurance for farmers doesn’t stop at lower base rates or specific discounts for equipment. Ask about these discounts and you can save even more:

Remember to compare car insurance rates for farmers from multiple companies to get the best deals. Each company will have different rates based on where you live, your needs, and any additional coverage added to the plan.

Methodology commissioned rates in 2022 from Quadrant Data Services for a 40-year-old driver with a clean record and good credit, with full coverage. Base rates were compared to rates for farmers for each company.